A Great Leap Forward
A Great Leap Forward
A Great Leap Forward
We reaffirm our commitment to future-ready growth and enhanced value creation, and to building the Valiant of tomorrow.
With deep domain knowledge, a specialised business model, and competitive advantages, we worked towards achieving synergistic growth.
Today, we have robust financials, a healthy bottom line, and a near debtfree balance sheet. We are leveraging the growing addressable market and rising industry opportunities to fulfil our vision of a sustainable and profitable progress.
Read MoreThere are multiple factors that fuelled us on our quantum leap forward. Our ability to manufacture a wide variety of products through our highly integrated operations makes us one of the most competitive producers of Chloro Phenols, and products of Ammonolysis, Acetylation, Hydrogenation and Sulphonation. With these, we ably cater to the Indian market, helping the country cut its chemical imports, and thereby contributing to the exchequer.
Also, our ability to cater to diverse sectors and end-user industries means a derisked and wide-ranging portfolio. Our integrated manufacturing capability gives us economies of scale, making us competitive in the marketplace and enabling us to achieve higher capacity utilisation.
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